Lindsay 9th February 2023

Hiya Dad….I am having a really emotional night tonight….🥺 You know why, but now you can both have a good chat up there about old times in TMHUK 😊 On a more positive note….I GOT THE JOB!!! I can’t believe it! I am so so happy! I always told you I wanted to be a P/A from when I used to come up to Warrington with you, and you used to get me to file things and do the shredding of documents…do you remember?? ….and now I am one! It’s a really really good job and I am determined to literally put everything I have into learning what I need to to become successful…..considering I didn’t have a clue about pensions, ISAs, bonds and fluctuations in the stock market…I am taking it all in and have had such positive and supportive feedback from the team already 😊 So, in the next few weeks, I will be a P/A to not one but two Financial Advisors! 😁 It feels like a dream, and I would do anything to hear what you would say about me getting this job, which is completely different to anything I have ever done before 😊 I always look back over our texts and emails to each other and this is what you said to me a few years ago…..” With the right focus you can achieve whatever want, so going forward don't let anything stand in your way of whatever it is you want to do!” 💙💖 Thank you so much Dad for inspiring me, always believing in me and supporting me. Without your positive words, I would never have gone for a job like this. I miss you more and more each day. I love you, Your Presh xxxxx